Wednesday, February 13, 2008

leave your feelings at the door

Not bad for nearly 15 years ago...

"For decades, managers and workers have been told to check their feelings at the door. And that's a big mistake. It's one thing to say that behavior is more accessible to managers than feelings are; its another thing altogether to say that feelings have no place at work.

Change is fundamentally about feelings; companies that want their workers to contribute with their heads and hearts have to accept that emotions are essential to the new management style. The old management style paradigm said that at work people are only permitted to feel emotions that are easily controllable, emotions that can be categorized as "positive". The new management paradigm says that managing people is managing feelings. The issue isn't whether or not people have "negative" emotions, it's how they deal with them. In fact, the most successful change programs reveal that large organizations connect with their people most directly through values - and that values, ultimately, are about beliefs and feelings."

Jeanie Daniel Duck on Managing Change, The Art of Balancing, Harvard Business Review (1993)

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